Create a character from Earth anytime between the 1800s and 2000s. Pick a career, language, and region. Set your appearance, some starting gear, and your core motivations & personality. Take hard traits like old age or disabilities for role play features, or try to minmax for your desired ideal.


You’re a stranger in a strange land. Guide yourself through trials of survival as you struggle to make allies among those who have been here long before you. Learn their languages. Form trade routes. Rise your faction to prominence.

Play however you want! There are no main quests other than survival and events that threaten your life. If you want to play as a lone farmer, surviving against the odds? So be it. If you want to found a mercenary company and slaughter your way across the fragment? That works. And if you want to try to topple empires to become the king of this strange world, it’s up to you to figure out how to do it against the changing tides of politics, war, famine, and plague.

Just remember, you’re not alone, and each character you meet will have Wants & Needs that may or may not allign with your goals…

Welcome to Morgana Fragment!

  • Fight!

    One part Hack & Slash, another part Tactical Overview. Play as a lead role in an ensemble cast of characters you assemble from the world you have come to inhabit. Use swords, axes, spears, shields, and guns to vanquish your enemies and defend your town.

  • Build!

    Construct a town from the ground up! Create a buildings, and add smithies and engineering facilities to turn it into a work site. When you leave your home map to go adventure across the world, leave some members of your group back home to research new technologies, craft items, and trade with allied towns.

  • Explore!

    Travel away from your home map and explore the world! Meet four great factions and their minor independent owns. Encounter fantastic alien life forms and learn to survive in this harsh medieval-scifi setting.