Welcome to the career page!

  • Project Morningstar is an upcoming RPG/Colony Simulator hybrid. We are currently 3 coders, two 2D/3D artists, and musician. No positions are open at this time.

  • Apart from building a game, support staff are always necessary to running a small business. Currently all our accounting and legal are handled on a contract basis. But if you would like to help us file taxes, manage employee contracts, and handle misc tasks like convention booth managers and PAs on live shoots, apply here!

  • If you are looking for a job, go ahead and send us a message on Discord or Twitter. While we may not have a position open sometimes we know someone who does.

We filled our open Gameplay Programmer role in April 2022 as Curtis and James came aboard. You may still follow the link to apply for our waiting list, just to add your portfolio to the pile. We’re always interested in seeing who is out there interested in us.

Mission Statement

Radian-Helix Media, llc is an equal opportunity employer

Anyone has a chance to work here, regardless of race, sex, gender, class, or cultural background.

When we take your application, our decision to hire you or not follows all state and federal guidelines in the US. Our primary focus will always be on your merits and character, not on where you were born or events that happened to you outside your choice to control. Everyone deserves an equal opportunity to compete with their peers. If you qualify for a role, we can work around disabilities or impairments, and will seek to will make reasonable efforts to accommodate those issues.

Our primary filters search for:

Age — you must be over 18 and legal to work in the US, or remotely from a territory outside the US.

Education — did you complete high-school, acquire a GED, or not? If not, why not? GED is no reason to disqualify.

Extracurriculars — we don’t care if you graduated college or not. What did you do with it? What mods did you make? Created any hobby indie games? What Clubs and Organizations did you participate in or help found? A degree is worthless without applied, completed, projects. Show us your work!

Self-education — we’d love to see any academic research papers you’ve co-authored, blog posts you wrote, YouTube tutorials uploaded, or dev live streams you do. The ability to show your work, solve a problem yourself, create novel solutions to novel problems, and then share that knowledge with others in the community are a top priority for us.

Creativity — how have you used your skills across disciplines? Are you also an artist? A business owner? An investor? Creativity isn’t just about producing a visually interesting product, but making connections between seemingly unrelated areas. Artists who code, or coders who do UX, or businessfolk who open up roads to underserved and untapped communities, are of greater value to us than simply following the book written by others.

Personal Character — do you lead with compassion, understanding, and curiosity? Or do you start with insults, aggression, and disappointment? We’re looking for someone who is persevering, honest at the first opportunity, shows concern for others, and refuses to be fatigued by problems. We are problem solvers. Nothing is so bad it can’t have some use, and nothing so perfect it can’t uncover some flaw.

“What’s good for the project is what’s good for me,” is often repeated here, and we’re serious about that.

Some may outrank us in seniority, but no one is more important than anyone else. Not the janitor, not the ceo. Mental health is involuntary, but not showing up on time, failing to meet deadlines, and disrespecting others is a choice. While we are serious in our commitment to accommodating mental health issues, we expect to see some level of self-motivation to overcome them on your own before we start work together.

Following Instructions — sometimes, the design document misses a step. Sometimes the team lead leaves out an important piece of information. Did you read the instructions and follow the format? The first step is to follow the letter of the instructions. If you can’t do that, you will not qualify. The next is to find problems and offer solutions. This is an important hint. Please take notice.

Be honest. Be fearless. Stay curious.

Read the Privacy Policy regarding our collection of your personal information on this career page.